What does a professional storyteller do for a living? What makes up our days? Here is my attempt at keeping a picture blog of what I do everyday. One picture and post per day (or at least 5 per week) and some pithy comment. We'll see. Click >here<. for my real blog.
Sunday, January 20, 2008
01.20.08 Sunday: I am Intentional
Picture of: my youngest finishing her 31 flavors ice cream, of which she only had 2. If you have taken any of my corporate training, you know that I teach a process of "Intentionality" in developing your storytelling for corporate or any setting. This is my picture of my "intentional thought" of the day. I'll post about it in my regular blog later this week over at www.seanblogs.com . Today I: spent a lot of time catching up on family things such as shopping and making dinner, running kids to places, buying ice cream; worked the final touches on handouts for the corporate storytelling gig I have on Monday and Tuesday.
Sean Buvala is an author, storyteller, and communications coach serving currently as the publisher at The Small Tooth Dog Publishing Group LLC in Arizona. He worked with storytelling training in many different industries and spends most of his current time working with new business owners as they seek out new ways to share the narrative of their work.
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