Picture of: my voting sticker on the back of my wallet along with a cup of free *$'s you-voted coffee my eldest daughter is drinking.
Today I: did the standard errands of post-officing and banking, sorta the business
mirepoix of my everyday, I think; sorted through office stacks; spoke on the phone with a coaching client; set up a couple of appointments for next weeks' storytelling events; worked on the wedding ceremony for my brother #1 and his finance; was tko'd with a fibro headache; walked over and voted; took daughter #1 to *$'s for the free and one paid cup of coffee; watched the Obama in Grant Park- me thinks the president-elect is a practitioner of
NLP; this is going to be a huge week with a very intense Internet project I am working on- probably will be few updates this week from me.
::C2008. Picture blog for storyteller Sean Buvala ( www.seantells.com). My written blog is at www.seanblogs.com::