Picture of: pages of notes for new telecourse.
Today I: made an early morning errands run and sat in a fast-food joint working on notes; I have released our latest Storyteller.net TeleCourse "Grumpy Burgers, Wood Fires and Cheap Whines: The Economy is Not Your Business for Working Artists" come register; built the websites for those workshops over the last few days; twittered; ran daughter #1 back and forth to work; bought Friday-night snacks with daughters #2 and #3; wife #1 and daughter #4 are away on camping trip; I have more storytelling ideas, projects, writings and seminars that I can get out of my head.
::C2008. Picture blog for storyteller Sean Buvala ( www.seantells.com). My written blog is at www.seanblogs.com::
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