Today I: paid health-insurance bills, went to the bank, had a bday dinner with my kids
::C2008. Picture blog for storyteller Sean Buvala ( www.seantells.com). My written blog is at www.seanblogs.com::
What does a professional storyteller do for a living? What makes up our days? Here is my attempt at keeping a picture blog of what I do everyday. One picture and post per day (or at least 5 per week) and some pithy comment. We'll see. Click >here<. for my real blog.
Hey! Happy Birthday! You very cleverly omitted that info when I called about the CD order (or did you tell me and I didn't hear because of my crappy cellphone reception?).
It was also Kansas Day, 147 years old.
::blush::: thank you.
Happy birthday, Sean! I hope you have a peaceful day.
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