Today I: took my kid #1 into work at 445am; fine-tuned one of the new stories that was on the set-list for today; presented the library storytelling show to a small group of children- I must note that today the adults in the back of the room were *wonderful* as they participated and modeled excellent behaviors for their children- this was at a library in a tough section of the city- great great parents and library staff; worked on updating Storyteller.net; did more of that background stuff I've been not-telling telling you about; attended a family birthday party (HB Jay, Richard and Alexis); came home to work on "Nicodemus" for a sacred storytelling and acting engagement I have in the morning.
::C2008. Picture blog for storyteller Sean Buvala ( www.seantells.com). My written blog is at www.seanblogs.com::
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