Today I: woke up in Miami Beach to the sound of the trash trucks picking up garbage outside my hotel room window; realized the smoke I was smelling was from the smoking people standing in the alley right at my room window; ate breakfast in my room for $35- paid $25 too much; tweaked the last minute parts of the PowerPoint presentation for the afternoon gig; walked to the drugstore about 1/2 mile down the road to get a couple of sodas that didn't cost $5 per 8oz bottle; answered email from another sponsor that wants to use me for a corporate storytelling gig in September; packed up the supplies and rolled my way to the presentation; had a great, "a ha!" filled presentation with corporate clients who came from all over the world to participate in this seminar (I was one piece of several days); one of the leadership had great insight into the idea that companies and products have their own folklore- inspires and affirms me when people grasp the concepts so fast. Have I told you that I love my storytelling and coaching work?; moved hotels to one closer to the airport and one friendlier to business travellers (nb: the staff at first hotel were very nice people); had a full conversation with my wife now that my phone has a signal; had dinner at hotel for a much more reasonable price; going to bed now
::C2008. Picture blog for storyteller Sean Buvala ( www.seantells.com). My written blog is at www.seanblogs.com::
1 comment:
Folklore: Andy Hertzfeld registered the domain name "folklore.org" ten years ago to test out an engine for collecting stories.
As he was one of the original team members that developed the MacIntosh at Apple, folklore.org is now entirely a site collecting the folklore around the creation of the Mac.
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