Thursday, April 17, 2008

04.17.2008 Thursday: There and Back Again.

Picture of: my visitor pass for my wandering around the halls of the middle school.

Today I: engaged again in the "ruouching our" to arrive at my school shows; got to the school way earlier than I planned on; at fast-food breakfast while killing an extra hour before going to the school; presented one classroom event for the 8th grade boys; second show was postponed until Monday for the 6th graders- communication error at the school so I will do two combined groups (250 kids) instead of the split group today; worked on invoice for another sponsor; went to the post office; took one of my kids out to buy shakes for two of my kids at the gas station- the shakes at the gast station not my kids at the gas station; poured more money into the gas tank of my car; reflected on the next book I am going to write; extended the "great purge" of old directory pages to next weekend; realized I need to responed to the emails I am getting about my silences;

::C2008. Picture blog for storyteller Sean Buvala ( My written blog is at

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