Today I: worked on paperwork for the Outside In Marketing Camp and picked up copies of the participants' homework from the post office (Yeah, homework. This is the real deal at this camp. Come ready or don't come. LOL.); did a storytelling school show for elementary school kids--the school divided the kids by age groupings and the event went great. The best of this series so far- the type where the kids all hold their breath waiting for the story to finish. Love it.; had a big mid-week family party for the January birthdays in our clan. Even a casual pizza-and-cake school-night party still gets 20 people.

::C2008. Picture blog for storyteller Sean Buvala ( www.seantells.com). My written blog is at www.seanblogs.com::
1 comment:
family is the baseline for storytellers, I think. Where we touch home plate.
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