Wednesday, May 28, 2008

05.28.2008 Wednesday: Swing. Of Things.

Picture of: view through the front window of my van as I pull into the garage at my house, finally done for the day.

Today I: finally got caught up enough to get back to my updates, sorry for the delays, I am still here; booked airfare tickets to a storytelling gig in Houston; took care of my parents' dog while they were away; talked via Email with a potential client who knows they want corporate storytelling but doesn't know what they really want- typical beginning of the process; booked hotel room in Philly for upcoming event there; twittered; did the bank and post office runs; talked with my wife about the plans for daughter #1's ungraduation party this Saturday; got my hair cut; did some brainstorming on a new idea for group corporate storytelling training
::C2008. Picture blog for storyteller Sean Buvala ( My written blog is at

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