Tuesday, July 29, 2008

07.29.2008 Tuesday: The Vanishing Post-Show Soda.

Picture of: me telling stories to kids in the school gym today. Musta been a wide angle lens.

Today I: made the post office run; packed up for the school show and took daughters #3 and #4 as well as cousin #3; presented two storytelling school shows; bought my assistants fountain drinks on the way home. Learned that there is a problem with counters that have cut-out holes for trash cans below, "Umm, Poppa, my drink just vanished off the counter...oh there it is down there."; followed up with client regarding previous invoice; did some historical and on-site research into some local history stories (more on that tomorrow); responded to some good comments about a new model for a storytelling conference; made a steamed colcannon dinner for my family.
::C2008. Picture blog for storyteller Sean Buvala ( www.seantells.com). My written blog is at www.seanblogs.com::

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