Today I: slept in a bit late at the hotel after my storytelling gig with adolescent boys yesterday; caught up on some storyteller paperwork; packed my bags and chased off housekeeping at 1250PM--I had a 100PM checkout, thank you; ate at a Bob Evans restaurant for lunch-- meh--I guess one glass of iced tea is considered to be a huge portion in the NorthEast; returned the rental car; got bumped OUT of first class; five hours across the U.S.; got to baggage claim and my youngest who still runs to greet me at the airport; drove home in the opposite direction of all the SuperBowl traffic; watched my youngest sing on video tape for her school co-op talent show; processed a new registration for the Outside In Storytelling Marketing Boot Camp; read a great christma
s letter (yes they sent it in January) from a friend with the Xmas card picture of his really young adolescent boys--which takes us back to the start of this paragraph. Whew. Good night.

Bonus Picture: the inside of the Baltimore Harbor Tunnel from last night as I drove back to hotel. I am still southwestern-desert bred enough to still be the "country mouse in the city" when it comes to roads that go under water.
::C2008. Picture blog for storyteller Sean Buvala ( www.seantells.com). My written blog is at www.seanblogs.com::
1 comment:
Good post, Sean. It shows the other side of storytelling--all the stuff you have to do just to get to and from a gig. I'm tired just reading it.
Rest well.
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